Bonus Episode: Something About John Lennon with Drew Harrison

In this Bonus Episode of Something Will Happen Melissa talks with Drew Harrison. For longtime Abbey Road on the River goers, Drew was formerly at the festival with the Sun Kings. He now performs a show titled The Spirit of Lennon and will be bringing it to Abbey Road in May, 2023.

Dew’s story begins while staying in the Czech Republic. While there, a friend asked if Drew would play with their band. They performed the songs of the Beatles to thousands of people. At the reaction of the crowd, Drew realized the potential of performing as a Beatles tribute band so he went home and formed the Sun Kings. 

Melissa and Drew discuss the draw of John Lennon and what it is like performing as a tribute artist. Drew talks of how his connection with John is built off Lennon’s honesty and vulnerability regarding himself and his life. Lennon was a complex human and his triumphs and shortcomings remind us that the Beatles are simply people like all of us. Like many of us, Lennon shares the practice of using music to cope with powerful and tumultuous emotions.

The two also touch on the impact the Beatles had on the world at large. While their musical influence cannot be overstated, the Beatles also influenced great cultural changes that are felt today. Drew commends their ability to maintain their own sense of self even in the face of enormous fame and how they always tried to use that fame for good. 

Melissa and Drew finish their discussion looking forward to next year’s Abbey Road on the River. Drew tells how excited he is to be back and they both comment how the feelings of love, hope, and community created by the Beatles are superbly paralleled at Abbey Road on the River.

Don’t wait to get your tickets!!

For more information on Drew, check out his website

Producers: Gary Jacob, Melissa Brumm

Editor: Emily Clopton

Theme Music: King Mixer

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Melissa Brumm