S2 E8: Something About The Legend of Raymond Jones

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This week on Something Will Happen, Melissa and Emily dive into another moment in Beatles history. Melissa tells the tale of Raymond Jones and how one persistent record shop customer shaped the future of music by requesting a record by some little band from Liverpool.

Melissa tells the urban legend of Raymond Jones. The story goes, back when the Beatles were starting out, kids from Liverpool would go into Nems (the record shop run by Brian Epstein) to ask about a record by a new band called the Beatles. Since the Beatles were still not very well known, the shop did not carry the record. However, one persistent music lover, Raymond Jones, continued to return to the shop every week to ask if they had gotten the record. 

Eventually, Brian Epstein decided to see what all the fuss was about and went to see the band perform. After seeing the Beatles, one thing led to another and they got signed by Epstein and became the biggest band of all time. According to this urban legend, if it weren’t for Raymond Jones’ persistence, Brian Epstein would never have met the band and we wouldn’t be here to celebrate the music of the Beatles all these years later. 

Melissa and Emily discuss the story embedded in Beatles history. While it is likely that Brian Epstein would have come across the band either way, there is something to be said of the importance of persistence and how small acts can alter the course of history. We like to believe that Raymond Jones created a butterfly effect that changed the world and music as we know it.

Don’t forget to follow Abbey Road on the River on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for up to date news about the festival and even more Beatles content!

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Additional Sources:

Raymond Jones Article

Cellarful of Noise- Brian Epstein

Producers: Gary Jacob, Melissa Brumm

Editor: Emily Clopton

Theme Music: King Mixer

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Melissa Brumm